Great Bridal Shower with Games

No bridal shower is complete without fun games to keep everyone laughing and to make sure that all the girls have a great time. If you are throwing a shower for your friend, you will want to make sure that you pick up some themed games that will make your party stand out from any others that you have been to. Buying quality games will ensure that everyone has a great time.

“Pin The” Games

Everyone remembers playing “pin the tail on the donkey” as a child, but this game has really grown up and become a great game for adult parties. As far as bridal shower games go, this is a classic that you'll want to include at your next party. You can choose from a number of options, including “Pin the Torpedo on the Sailor”, “Stick a Dick”, “Pin the Pistol on the Cowboy”, and even “Pin the Macho on the Man”. With so many choices available to you, you're sure to find one that fits your theme.

Drink & Dare

You'll likely be drinking with your best girlfriends while at the bridal shower, so you may as well make it into a game with “Bachelorette Drink & Dare Lotto”. You're sure to laugh a lot while also getting to know your friends a little better.

It's a lot of fun to plan your dream bridal shower, and with the help of some fun games, you can make sure that it's a night to remember.